Friday, April 17, 2009

new house of greed

so i lost my damn camera! so until i find it ive got to use the old one, which sucks. totally. anways greedy cody moved into a new cribshack, one hes buying 1up cody!! i also need a new card because i realized the old camera its missing so i can basically take about 10 pics before its full

sideways shot of the his porch, i wish i was a techie because i hate google blogger formatting

looks pretty sweet!

codys hyped on his new cribshack

cody made us dinner. he made some wierd hamburger/green bean in stroganoff sauce over rice with cheese and tater tots on top. wierd but it was kinda good

mark sulli drinks his brew with a straw son!


  1. Those tater tots look good. Bravo.

  2. You guys look happy and succesful; having tons of fun. I wish I could be your friend?
