Tuesday, March 17, 2009

quick klamath trip

had to drive to klamath. steph and frankie went. i don't even think we were there 24 hours. i didnt take any pics in klamath, just a few on the way down and way back home

little bit of snow

started getting a little worse

then shit got bad!

franks wasn't worried

she was hyped!

thought it was fitting that i stop here, because well then name of the place describes me

upper klamath lake. looks pretty but its super shallow and filled with algae. used to be big water rights fights all due to a sucker fish
lurking on the backroads in klamath. so dark out its kinda creepy
steph drove on the way home so i drank
the trip made franks tired. she has a leopard print blanket but shes not crazy.

another spot

another fun spot close to the cribshack

jacob wears red pants

Monday, March 16, 2009


all the homies have been skating alot lately, especially for it to be winter. we got some better pics and clips but you won't see those here, so you see this

new spot in the park down by the river. this park is known as a dude hook-up park, some car pulled up while me and kelly were there and saw we were there for skating not hooking up and bailed out. not that theres anything wrong with dude hook ups, just not our bag nah-mean

yeah sulli!

yeah kelly!

drum circle

we barged b sapps house to check out his new drum

first sulli had to make a few power moves via his celly

intense son!

i dig this pic

two dudes and a drum

whoa dudes

getting all native and shit

Friday, March 6, 2009

thoughtful sulli

on the way home from skating mark stopped at the store to get a valentines day card for his girl. i was suprised at his effort on the envelope

yeah mark sulli!!!

hot days at the coast

me and steph went to the coast a couple weeks ago. and it was super warm, like 60. unheard of in february

frankie was there

stephy was merkin some shells

we walked up on some voodoo shit going on. not really but thats what it made me think of. that one king diamond album


wierd shit, the waffle is good touch

yeah franks!

rad day at the coast!

Thursday, March 5, 2009


my cousin tracy came to visit and brought her little son kiros. he's a rad kid, super friendly and talkative. i told him my name was kiros too and he was hyped! called me kiros and when he left said "bye kiros!" and gave me a hug. my cousin sent me an email and said he was asking about the other kiros. he's gonna be bummed when he finds out my names not really kiros. wow i just typed kiros alot.