Monday, November 21, 2011

yeah rusty!

three hours of sleep feeling good. 4th fishing trip, eric and i didn't catch shit

1up rusty!!

eric threw three gummy bears to these three seagulls (not the one in the background, look close there's one right behind the 1st one). good shot, video games do increase hand eye coordination!

nice socks duder

thanksgiving week = september photos

Thursday, November 17, 2011

staples to yo face dawg!

frankie ripped a hole in her face back in august. the morning we were supposed to leave for seattle, so we went to the emergency vet real quick before heading out, 4 staples for franks, some stress for me and steph

you could barely see the staples, the hole was gnarly i wish i would of got a photo before they closed it up. she's lucky it wasn't her eye!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

i like hoodies too!!

3rd times the charm, we found one that was open. this one girl in here cracked us up
orange short bgp's
that chick on the left is hot, photo frame. excellent attention to detail spent decorating
wearing it makes her frown! she wanted a hoodie and doesn't like trashy chicks

tourist shit

bummer, we got none of the three


mariners vs red sox, still august

ichiro, more like blurichiro

they lost, again!